Cyclone-stricken Lizard Island to reopen with fresh look

Cyclone-stricken Lizard Island to reopen with fresh look
By admin

Great Barrier Reef resort Lizard Island is set to reopen by the end of the year with a fresh new look, after it was struck by Cyclone Ita in April.

The property, owned by US-based Delaware North, endured will be relaunched following an extensive refurbishment which is currently underway.

The revamp of the resort, which has been closed since the severe storm wreaked havoc across the region in April, has been on the cards for some time which has helped to limit its recovery time, newly appointed general manager Amanda Silk told Travel Today.

“Fortunately, the Delaware North team had already done plans for refurbishment,” she said. “With that all in place made iit a lot easier to do the refurbishment.”

The room interiors are being refurbished and reconfigured, with the spa and departure area also to be upgraded.

“So while it’s really tragic what has happened and sad for people involved, it’s a great opportunity to rebuild the resort and relaunch it as a new product,” said Silk who stepped into the role in December. “While there have been some challenges in the meantime, it’s been really great to be involved from the ground-up.”

Although September has been slated as the date for the relaunch, Silk expects to have a clearer idea of how long the work would take to complete within the next six weeks.

But she was confident that it would be welcomed back by the travel industry and loyal clients, thanks to its “special place in their hearts”.

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