Gurney praises AFTA reform work

Gurney praises AFTA reform work
By admin

<p> Jetset Travelworld chief executive Rob Gurney has downplayed the company&#39;s possible creation of a &quot;mini-Travel Compensation Fund&quot; after praising the Australian Federation of Travel Agents for its work in getting the reform agenda across the line.</p><p> Gurney said he was unaware of any home-grown scheme to replace the TCF and was unable to comment on the proposals.</p><p> Retail groups across the industry are understood to have mooted the idea although they remain at an embryonic stage.</p><p> The first discussions over reform will take place tomorrow after today&#39;s inaugural meeting of the Travel Industry Transition Plan Working Group was put back 24 hours.</p><p> Gurney said JTG was fully supportive of reform.</p><p> &quot;We think it is a positive outcome for the travel industry and I want to commend Jayson Westbury and the AFTA board,&quot; he told Travel Today. &quot;The arguments have been very well set out by AFTA as to why the TCF is significantly less relevant now than it was when it first started.</p><p> &quot;We are talking about a program that is about 20 years old now, so I think AFTA has laid out those arguments very effectively in their submissions and we are very supportive of it.&quot;</p><p> &quot;A large part of the plans going forward are an industry accreditation program with marketing and awareness campaigns around that. From what I have seen, and I am relatively new in the process, AFTA submissions and arguments were extremely well laid out.</p><p> &quot;They have done a very thorough job in setting out alternative pathways.&quot;</p><p> Gurned urged those with an interest in the reform issue to read AFTA&#39;s submissions &quot;and form a view after that&quot;.</p>

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