Midweek Interview with Val Feuell, director program management, Australia & New Zealand, Carlson

Midweek Interview with Val Feuell, director program management, Australia & New Zealand, Carlson
By admin

The challenge for the industry is…technology, but by ‘challenge' what I really mean is opportunity. We have already seen how technology has shaped the way travellers are travelling and in 2013 technology will be the business traveller's best friend, with mobile/WiFi connectivity and a growing range of business travel apps making travel smoother, more productive and more enjoyable.


The things I like about my job are….…I love my job, so I enjoy all aspects of it. But if there was one thing I had to choose, it would be working with a great group of people, both within CWT and with our clients.


And the frustrations….not having enough time.


If I didn't work in travel I would be a…. Investment Banker.


Qantas or Virgin?…. both airlines are important to the Australian market, so both.


My proudest moment was….there have been many, but recently it was when I obtained permanent residency to live in this great country (I am originally from the UK).


The naughtiest thing I ever did was….oh dear, now that would be telling…


I try to relax by…spending quality time with my husband and friends. As I am on the road so much for work I really cherish these moments when I am at home in Melbourne.


The last time I feared for my life….was when I was living in Antigua and had to run for my life as someone was trying to shoot me…sounds like a movie plot doesn't it? But I assure you this did happen to me.


If I can, I always try to avoid…negative people.


I really wish I had…worked harder at school! Never underestimate the power of education.


The best advice I've ever received was…worry is a debt you may never have to repay.


I don't understand why…people complain about something but do nothing to change it.


My greatest weakness is….trying to manage my inbox.


And my greatest strength….my humour.


If I was prime minister I would…legalise gay marriage. Having recently married the love of my life I feel that everyone deserves that same opportunity.


If I won $1 million on the lottery I would….pay off my mortgage in Melbourne and Chicago. Very boring I know but it would be great to be mortgage free and I could then spend my money on more fun things.


If I could be someone else for one day I would be…Barack Obama.


I've always wanted to travel to….South Africa.


My favourite holiday was… spending a milestone birthday celebration in Australia. It was really special as at the time I was living in New York, so it was great to get away from it all.

Email the Travel Weekly team at traveldesk@travelweekly.com.au

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