Qantas back to the Gold Coast

Qantas back to the Gold Coast
By admin

Qantas made its return to the Gold Coast yesterday after a four-year hiatus, boasting “overwhelming” support and record sales for the three times daily service.

The inaugural Boeing 737-800 service flew from Sydney to Gold Coast yesterday morning, with the airline reporting 24,000 airfares sold in the two days after the flights went on sale.

Qantas Domestic chief executive Lyell Strambi revealed “strong bookings” from both premium leisure and business travellers, with growing demand behind the airline’s decision to reinstate the route (Travel Today, August 13).

“We will be the only domestic airline operating out of the Gold Coast offering a meal and checked-in baggage to all passengers as part of their fare, no matter what time they are flying or which class they are in,” Strambi said.

He underlined the importance of the new route for local tourism, and pointed to further benefits upon the approval of its hotly anticipated tie-up with Emirates, still pending approval.

Meanwhile, the airline has installed a new check-in system at the airport and has started work on a Qantas Club lounge, expected to open by the end of November.

Qantas and Gold Coast Tourism will embark on a joint marketing campaign in February, primarily targeting the premium visitor market in New South Wales and Victoria.

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