Study reveals tastiest airlines

Study reveals tastiest airlines
By admin

Tiger Airways, Singapore Airlines and Garuda Indonesia have emerged as the best airlines for in-flight meals in Asia Pacific, according to a study conducted by travel search site Skyscanner.

More than 200 travellers and bloggers from across the region were consulted, with judging based on taste, presentation, choice and, in the case of low cost carriers, value for money.

Tiger Airways emerged as top of the LCCs, while Singapore Airlines took the top slot in the short haul category. Meanwhile, Garuda beat off competition to come top of the long haul carriers.

Skyscanner market development manager Australia and New Zealand, Dave Boyte, commented that airlines have come to the realisation that regular flyers can be "swayed" by the quality of food on board flights.

"Airline food used to have a reputation for being bland, but the quality of in-flight meals has imporved massively as airlines place greater importance on serving good food at altitude,' he said.

Another Skyscanner survey of more than 1500 travellers revealed that 54% think the overall quality of airline food is currently good, with three quarters convinced it is improving.


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