Travel Corporation refocuses for Asia

Travel Corporation refocuses for Asia
By admin

The Travel Corporation has outlined plans to adapt its product and experiences for the emerging Asian markets.
President and chief executive Brett Tollman told Travel Today that while the US and Europe had historically been “critical” markets for the firm, it needed to grow its presence in areas of “growth and opportunity”.
But he admitted it had to make changes to fully capitalise on the outbound trend from the region driven by a burgeoning middle class.
“China is telling us emphatically that we have to adapt our business model if we want to do business there,” he said. “We’re certainly moving in that direction”.
He signalled the development of product in Chinese and Indian languages, such as the introduction of charter services for its Uniworld brand which would have more space to accommodate staff in the target language.
“They can take an entire charter and we can adapt the cuisine, the staff and the collateral material to that customer’s language,” he said.
The Travel Corporation already has offices in China, Hong Kong and Singapore, and will open a Mumbai office in India this year.
An office in Brazil’s Sao Paolo is also on the cards for this year, Tollman revealed.

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