Travel Today set for major evolution

Travel Today set for major evolution
By admin

Travel Today and sister title Travel Weekly will expand their readership and reach next year in a series of initiatives commencing in January 2013.

Embracing the exponential growth of online readerships, mobile users and social media, Travel Today will move away from its PDF format in favour of a more modern HTML design alongside a strong web-based strategy. The shift will see Travel Today break news stories faster than ever before and dig deeper into industry affairs while growing video output and engagement through social media channels.

Meanwhile, Travel Weekly will respond to reader demand by shifting its frequency from fortnightly to monthly. The move will see the magazine gain in pagination and solidify its place as market leader both in readership and market share.

In addition, a new consumer publishing division launched this year by the Travel Weekly group, will be built upon during 2013.

Upon its launch, consumer magazine Voyager became Australia’s number one travel magazine sold on the newsstand with an audited circulation of 126,868. Next year will see the addition of an email newsletter and dedicated website.

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