WA calls for UK & Irish workers to fill bars, restaurants and hotels

Aerial view of Elizabeth Quay, Perth

The Australian Hotels Association (WA) will join the Western Australian Government-led delegation to the United Kingdom and Ireland, to spruik the thousands of jobs and career opportunities available in WA’s hotels and hospitality venues.

Bradley Woods, CEO, AHA (WA), said WA’s strong economy, lower cost of living and unparalleled lifestyle made a compelling case for workers to travel down under.

“Put simply, there has never been a stronger case for British, Irish and Scottish workers to migrate to WA and take advantage of the thousands of jobs on offer in WA’s hospitality industry,” he said.

“With an incredible standard of living, the proposition of moving to WA virtually sells itself, but the AHA will be on the ground to promote the benefits of working in our world-class hotels, pubs, bars, taverns and restaurants.

“Our message is simple – if there are British and Irish workers looking for a job, a change of scenery or even looking for love, WA is the place to be.

“From stronger job security to lower energy costs, there are countless reasons why WA is the best place in the world for those looking for a new home.

“In 2012, the AHA led a highly successful delegation to Ireland, resulting in countless workers relocating to work in WA’s hospitality industry, many of whom are still here today.”

While in the UK and Ireland, the AHA(WA) will be promoting westernaustralia.jobs, a dedicated platform to advertise jobs in WA’s hospitality and tourism industry. The site features information on jobs in five key regions’; ‘Perth, The Southwest, The Coral Coast, The Golden Outback and The North West’.

The website also features those who have already made the move to WA, such as Alexis Mazroui, a Working Holiday Maker at Gage Roads Brewing Company in Freemantle.

Tourism Western Australia recently had a campaign feature on Piccadilly’s famous billboards, serving as a clear indicator of the WA Government’s target market.

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