WATCH: UFO chases jet

WATCH: UFO chases jet

Strap yourselves in folks, we’ve got a doozy of a tale for you this morning.

After all, it’s Friday and what better way to end the week than with a big old spooky conspiracy story.

A video has emerged on Youtube of a UFO just casually following an aeroplane.

Yep, we’re in the deep end now, my friends.

The UFO not only follows the plane but overtakes it then disappears.


Who can tell.

Are we now totally convinced that aliens walk amongst us?

you betcha.

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The sighting took place in Lincoln, New Hampshire, according to News.comand was captured in 2016 but only surfaced on Youtube earlier this week, since racking up almost 96,000 views.

The person who captured the footage said they were home reading when they noticed the strange object close to the aircraft.

“I am told that military pilots train in the mountains around where I live and I’ve always enjoyed seeing them fly through,” they can be heard saying.

“So I naturally saw the jet and did a double take, because there was something following it.”

“I immediately thought I was witnessing some strange aircraft, possibly military but it was not a jet.”

“The UFO was gaining on a jet. No helicopter could do that. I was blown away and luckily got out my phone in time to take a video”

Lucky indeed.

One commenter on Youtube suggests what we’re seeing is two planes travelling at “different altitudes, creating vapour trail”, but the witness filming has other ideas.

“Shortly after the jet and object left my range of sight I saw three more jets and 1 helicopter going the same direction (in my opinion chasing the UFO),” the witness said.

That last part wasn’t captured on video for some reason, but we DEFINITELY believe them.

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