This time its real: Japan to drop final COVID requirements
IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING: Independent travellers will soon be able to travel to the land of the rising sun visa-free!
IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING: Independent travellers will soon be able to travel to the land of the rising sun visa-free!
The western state will be keeping its borders firmly closed, as Premier Mark McGowan buys more time to bolster citizens ...
The team at Travel Weekly have a running bet about which border update will be announced next. The most money is on eith...
For the first time in almost two years, West Australia will reopen its border to the rest of the world on the 5th of Feb...
Palaszczuk has flung open QLD's domestic border, meaning travellers from Victoria and NSW can finally visit the Big Pine...
After her recent social media blunder, Premier Palaszczuk has found a very welcome distraction for the media.
The Apple Isle is getting ready to throw open its borders, which is sure to have mainlanders throwing their hands up in ...
Here are a couple more positive signs that domestic travel is getting back to the good old days.
Biden has decided enough is enough with the so-called ‘212f’ restrictions that the US has imposed on 33 countries.
The remark was the latest blow in the federal government's attack on state leaders who show hesitancy in opening back up...
WA will soon be in a league of its own for border restrictions, with Marky Mark McGowan ready to throw NSW into the ‘e...
Yes, we got a bit carried away with the headline, but there has been A LOT going in in the last 24 hours that you all sh...
And, to make matters even more complicated, the airline is expecting a couple more aircraft to join its domestic fleet v...
Looks like two more weeks of Ugg boots and trackie dacks for the Travel Weekly team following this latest update from th...
Have all the latest border changes got you in a tizz? Immediately un-tizz yourself here with this explainer.
The Council of Australian Tour Operators has joined the mob of industry bodies who reckon the PM's roadmap is a bit ligh...
While Travel Weekly’s roving reporter is currently grounded in Sydders, that hasn’t stopped them from bringing you a...
There’s been another round of tough travel restrictions dealt out across Australia. Get up to speed on what’s change...