Smartraveller posts Pakistan warning amidst “climate catastrophe”
Pakistani authorities have declared a national emergency following severe flooding that has displaced hundreds of thousa...
Pakistani authorities have declared a national emergency following severe flooding that has displaced hundreds of thousa...
Two major lines just made some fairly hefty commitments to sustainable cruising which go way beyond the usual plastic st...
Apparently the initiative is not so top tier! It’s not easy being green.
The adventure travel company is calling on the PM to commit to at least halving emissions by 2030 and an immediate end t...
Meanwhile, Travel Weekly’s editor is attempting to reduce his emissions by avoiding foods that cause him to break wind...
Here, Intrepid Travel's environmental impact specialist, Dr Susanne Etti, makes the case for empowering women as a way o...
What does that mean, you might ask? Well... we're not really sure, but this press release does a great job of explaining...
At least 29 people have been killed by a devastating cyclone that continues to make its way across the Pacific Islands.
Do you know a colleague who is a bit of a climate change denier? Prove them wrong with this.
Thousands of Venetians have braved bad weather to take to the streets to protest over frequent flooding in the city and ...
St Mark's Square was closed on the weekend after Venice was inundated with a nearly five-foot flood, marking the third t...
Venice has been hit by the second-worst flood in its recorded history, with water submerging 85 per cent of the Italian ...
Leaders in the region have suggested the support is hollow without the government committing to reducing its reliance on...
Travel Weekly is doing its part for the environment by installing a 300L compost bin in the office. However, its smell h...
The thing we fear most about climate change here at Travel Weekly is the rising price of coffee and chocolate. Living wi...
We tried to trick our house plants into staying alive by showing them YouTube videos of sunrises to compensate for the l...
We picked Cabrini's brain about his favourite sustainable travel destinations and his time at the UN. We imagine he now ...
It's Hump Day everyone! A day we best like celebrating with an exclusive Q&A and a documentary about camels. Or by danci...