Federal Court blocks Princess Cruises’ attempt to ban US and UK passengers from class action
The judge said blocking the passengers from joining the class action could risk bringing “the administration of justic...
The judge said blocking the passengers from joining the class action could risk bringing “the administration of justic...
Travel Weekly’s editor is seriously considering cutting his own hair, with a trip to the salon now very much a pipe dr...
Victorians are hopping back into their lockdown track pants, with the state reverting to stay-at-home orders from 8pm to...
Just as the PM provides some hope of an end to lockdowns, one of the states has gone and tacked on a few extra days to i...
Yes, we got a bit carried away with the headline, but there has been A LOT going in in the last 24 hours that you all sh...
It appears the people of Greater Sydney might be bunkering down for a while yet to curb the current COVID-19 outbreak.
Sydney's COVID situation is starting to get dicey, with some very tight restrictions coming into play both near and far.
The Victorian government is going hard to try and stop the state's worrying coronavirus cluster from getting further out...
Trans-Tasman travel has suffered yet another setback, as Melbourne's COVID cluster becomes a growing concern.
As COVID continues to rear its ugly head in India, ScoMo has announced a number of new measures to protect Aussies from ...
SA Premier Steven Marshall’s arms are wide open and ready to once again embrace visitors from Greater Brisbane.
It’s hard to imagine the trans-Tasman bubble becoming two-way anytime soon, given the stop-start nature of ‘green zo...
Wondering how the other states and territories have responded to Victoria's snap lockdown? We've gathered all the info w...
Both states are taking no chances on the growing COVID-19 outbreak at the Holiday Inn Melbourne Airport quarantine hotel...
A COVID-19 outbreak on Sydney’s Northern Beaches that is quickly getting out of control has kicked states and territor...
If there was any speck of hope left of a two-way trans-Tasman ‘bubble’ happening by Christmas, New Zealand’s Prime...
Two states have tightened restrictions even further for South Australian travellers, as the COVID-19 cluster in Adelaide...
Ponant’s health and safety protocols have been put to the test, with the luxury cruise line suffering its first COVID-...