Social Friday: Jetstar intern who compared CEO to Cruella de Vil speaks out
The idea of someone like Cruella running an airline would make for some interesting press conferences.
The idea of someone like Cruella running an airline would make for some interesting press conferences.
The Crystal Symphony is channelling its inner OJ Simpson by running from the law. Unfortunately the cruise ship doesn't ...
Iceland has once again proved it’s the master of tourism marketing, unveiling a new ad that spruiks the beauty of the ...
The Cruise Lines International Association has shown off its social media savviness with a brand new video that you can ...
Dreaming of heading to Europe in the comfort of a business-class cabin? Find solace reading about this extremely good bo...
An Aussie travel agent caught a couple of trolls off guard with this very important PSA.
We get it – targeted advertising is not the sexiest topic. But you know what is sexy? Knowing your dollars are working...
Facebook has been left red-faced after making social media management a bitch for the town of Bitche by removing its pag...
The social media platform claims to be the first to let users share travel-specific content to create real-world itiner...
The destination’s government ministers appear to have rocks in their heads, judging by this ridiculous plan.
A Sydney-based agency has been forced to pay legal costs after losing a court case against a woman who made negative com...
We don't want to jump the gun on this one, but we reckon this is the most unfortunate social media blunder since Donald ...
Was it ever meant to be taken seriously? We’ll never know, but this travel bubble post has given us the best Facebook ...
We are pretty sure Air New Zealand just won troll of the year. Click here if you like watching racists getting taken dow...
Hosts of short-term rental properties have been sharing images of guests along with their names and personal information...
Struggle to distinguish between Facebook and Instagram? Signed up to Tinder to promote your business? You best get readi...
Tourists are continuing to flee Lombok as DFAT urges Aussies to reconsider their plans to travel to the Indonesian Islan...
We chatted with Mayo about how agents can get the most out of social media. To our dismay, posting hundreds of pictures ...