Scott Dunn names Alison Zacher as global managing director
Our suggestion? First day in the tearoom, don't grab the "Best Dad Ever" mug.
Our suggestion? First day in the tearoom, don't grab the "Best Dad Ever" mug.
Don't worry, the empty seats in the image are for the photo op and do not reflect staff retention at Flight Centre.
It's a good news story for these brands, and travel agents, and the whole industry really!
Get you gear ready people because it's going to be cold outside. Are polar-rated gloves a tax deduction?
'I can't get no satisfaction,' sang Mick Jagger. If he'd been to Perth, he'd be proven wrong.
Congratulations Andrew! If you're a fan of British reality TV you might notice a familiar face.
The stock market moves fast. What will the rest of the week hold for Flight Centre?
Let's hope that these lovingly planted trees in Morocco are not chopped down for firewood.
The question everyone really wants to know the answer to is 'where can you get one of them colourful sailor hats?'
If 'flighties' don't have their own theme song - sort of like Avengers - then we are disappointed.
It might still be more than a year away but it is never too soon to start planning your safari wardrobe.
Whilst a shortage of staff is generally a bad thing, but it means the oat milk in the fridge will last longer.
If anyone reading can send us pictures of Clinton dressed as Winnie the Pooh, we will buy them a schooner.
We were going to ask AI to write this article for us, but on second thoughts, we'd prefer to keep our job.
We've lost count of the alphabet of Flight Centre brands. This one starts with an E.
Got trust issues after catching your spouse on Ashley Madison? Look to Flight Centre to restore your faith in humanity.
Flight Centre taking inspiration from Qantas' Red tail sale yesterday, someone's gotta change for the next round.
The door is open for Rex, and anyone else who wants to launch a regional Aussie airline...