• Road & Rail

Big Fat Road & Rail Wrap

We couldn't be happier that it's Thursday – because it means we get to write another one of our fabulous Road & Ra...

  • Road & Rail

Big Fat Road & Rail Wrap

Why do we love Thursdays? Because there are two wraps! We're talking about the wraps in the newsletter BTW, not the wrap...

  • Travel Agents

Big Fat Agent Wrap

On Fridays we only read two things; the Big Fat Agent Wrap and the wine menu at the pub across the road.

  • Wholesalers

Big Fat Wholesaler Wrap

Pop the champers and get excited about our Big Fat Wholesaler Wrap! Not to be confused with the Big Fat Greek Wedding, t...

  • Travel Agents

Big Fat Agent Wrap

Travel Weekly is off to Splendour in the Grass today, so if there's mistakes in this Wrap you'd like to complain about, ...

  • Road & Rail

Last Days to Secure Free rail travel!

We have a very important PSA for travel agents. PSA being Public Service Announcement, not Pleather Sock Association, li...

  • Travel Agents

Big Fat Agent Wrap

We used to think TGIF stood for Tiny Galahs In Florals, so never understood why people said it on Fridays. On that note,...