Abu Dhabi drops remaining COVID entry rules
Did Abu Dhabi's latest campaign tickle your fancy? It's now easier than ever to check out everything going on at this ex...
Did Abu Dhabi's latest campaign tickle your fancy? It's now easier than ever to check out everything going on at this ex...
The country is about to wind up its emergency decree, meaning you’ll have to deal with far less faffing about on your ...
The islands have axed all COVID vaccination requirements for inbound travellers, a move that the country's PM has descri...
Cruising just got easier with two luxe lines making major adjustments to their COVID protocols.
To soften the blow of this news for hip-hop fans, we've included this image of the PM looking like a maniac in the front...
There's much to celebrate in Australia today, with (nearly) all Aussie states having reached 80 per cent double vaxxed r...
The coming days will be a bit of a big deal for Western Australia, with a spate of major changes coming into place along...
In a show of support for the travel industry, a Victorian-based agent has created a moving video encouraging Aussies to ...
Travel Weekly urges everyone to get vaxxed, if not for society’s sake, at least for the perks and the self-indulgent b...
And, in other news, the airline is gearing up for a whopping summer season of domestic travel, with a swathe of new airc...
An Aussie travel agent caught a couple of trolls off guard with this very important PSA.
As if being locked down for the fifth time wasn't enough to encourage Victorians to get the jab, the state's biggest air...
Got a few clients who desperately want to venture overseas, but aren’t keen on getting the jab? We highly recommend sh...
Quarantine-free travel may soon be allowed to select Asian and Pacific countries as soon as August, so tell your clients...
As the federal government begins to roll out its COVID-19 vaccination strategy, Hurtigruten's regional boss reckons trav...
The Wolrd Travel & Tourism Council reckons the industry is getting ready to pick itself up, shake itself off and sashay ...
Does anyone else feel as though they are being jabbed in the arm with a needle every time they read the word 'vaccine'? ...