Vietnam Airlines launches initiatives to offset CO2 emissions
It seems like airline news lately is about two things; going green, or going into voluntary administration.
It seems like airline news lately is about two things; going green, or going into voluntary administration.
Nope, not them! not them either.
Like a cricket star on the rise, Melbourne Airport is constantly setting personal bests.
Woohoo! You've now got more options for visiting Vietnam! It's like Christmas, but not really.
After months of speculation surrounding the joint venture between Qantas Group and Vietnam Airlines, it's confirmed that...
There’s plenty of big news in this week’s aviation wrap – almost as big as the breakfast burrito Travel Weekly’s...
This week’s aviation wrap is full of new planes and flights, while Travel Weekly’s editor is full after completing t...
Travel Weekly strongly condones the food focus of this week's Airline Wrap. In fact, our support is so strong we've chos...
Dreaming of flying away? Well, we're sorry to say this airline wrap will probably just make your wanderlust worse. But o...
Writing this airline wrap makes us want to go on holiday. Keep an eye out for our Go Fund Me so we can afford to pay for...
This airline wrap is about to put all the other airline wraps out there to shame. Similarly, we ate a croissant this mor...
It's Tuesday, which means two things here at Travel Weekly. The first is that it's airline wrap day, and the second is t...
Our favourite thing about Tuesdays is this airline wrap. Oh, and the fact that it's no longer Monday. Basically, we're c...
If you were in Sydney this morning, running through the rain like an umbrella-less idiot like we did, please enjoy scann...
Take off with our jam-packed airline wrap. See what we did there? Ok, sorry, we'll TAKE ourselves OFF your mailing list....
It's St Patrick's Day! That can only mean two things, Guinness all around and Tinder activity will be at an all time hig...