Women In Travel: ‘It’s so important for us to create change’ Albatross Tours’ Shelley Poten
And it's a change she's making! We can't wait to celebrate with Shelley on our night of nights.
And it's a change she's making! We can't wait to celebrate with Shelley on our night of nights.
We hope this means we are moving to a time of no stereotypes rather than two-dimensional stereotypes (whatever that is)....
Can confirm that women at TW are also going wild over this news! Where do we sign up?
Some spoke so well they could be politicians, but as if you'd ever leave travel for that!
Wendy's love of travel hasn't changed since she was a baby, but the food she eats may have (as you'll find out).
Want to know who the most powerful women in travel are? Then boy, have we got the list for you.
Just want the names of this year's winners? Check out this bad boy!
Just like Aerosmith, nib is going to 'walk this way'! 'This way' being towards gender equality, in this instance.
One week to go! Oh my gosh, now's the time to get your frock/suit/elaborately stylish onesie ready!
In just over a week the awards will kick off! We're counting down the days like a toy-obsessed kid near Christmas.
At first glance we read Dr. Suess, but upon further investigation, it's one of Australia's most influential women!
Western Sydney Airport is already making its name as a champion of gender equality. A great start for the airport!
The phrase 'cruising for a bruising' is out and 'cruising for success' is in! The only downside is it doesn't rhyme.
Do you want to know who's who? Who's where? Who's doing what? What's what? Huh? Anyway, just click on the list.
There are only 25 tickets left to the 2023 Women In Travel Awards! Don't say we didn't warn you.
Check out this incredible list and you'll soon be perfectly mirroring the woman in this photo.
Meegan dropped into our office studio to highlight the amazing things happening for women in the industry.
It's your last chance to enter our highly esteemed Women In Travel Awards! Submit for fame, glory, and bragging rights!